Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I have been called out on my lack of weblogging...and rightfully so.

The first game of the Spurs-Suns series was one of the best games I have ever seen. It was a double-overtime game where everyone (Finley, Nash, Ginobili, Duncan) seemed to make the big shot. The problem I have is this: before Duncan's big shot, why didn't the Suns foul? I can understand why they waited a bit, but it seems like Shaq should have fouled Ginobili as soon as he crossed the three point line. Three things can happen here, two of which are good for the Suns. First, Ginobili might not get a shot off. In this case, Ginobili gets two free throws, and the Spurs need to get the ball back (with maybe 2 seconds left, max) to tie the game. Second, Ginobili could shoot and miss, in which case he would still get only 2 free throws. Third, he could shoot and make it, which is a problem for the Suns. However, this is SHAQ AGAINST GINOBILI. Shaq could foul him hard (but legally) enough so that he has no way of making a 15 footer.

The only other drawback to this plan is that Shaq fouls out, and he would be nice to have if Ginobili shoots free throws and misses. I can live with that, though.

Skye and I are seeing Northern State on Wednesday. They were recently listed as the 12th worst rappers ever, right behind Shaquille O'Neal. Northern State was robbed - Hesta Prynne is a lyrical genius.

BSG is still good.

I saw The Hood Internet last night at Boston College. They do good work, and people were loving the show. It was interesting for me, though. I hadn't considered that I was going to go to a college party that night. It was interesting figuring out how to interact with the crowd. I am guessing that they probably didn't want to hang out with a professor, although maybe they didn't care. In some ways, I felt like I was crashing their party. In another way, I thought - screw it, I'm on the guest list, so I AM the party.


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