Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A secret, likely-soon-to-be-made-public announcement from the Awesome household: Skye and I are likely to opt for a home birth. There are many reasons, which I might go into later, but it comes down to this:

  1. The medical literature has a lot of evidence that a home birth with a midwife is at least as safe as a hospital birth, except that your chances of a medical intervention (e.g. c-section, episiotomy (i.e. "slicing up my wife to make the birth canal bigger"), etc) go waaaaaaay down.
  2. Skye (and I) will be much more comfortable, and we hope that this will make the process easier.

Part of this experience means that Skype Skye will not receive any medication to ease the pain of childbirth, which must be administered by specialists. In a show of solidarity, I decided to forego anesthesia when I received my filling at the dentist today.

That's right, Dirk=Manly Man. Many of you, particularly those who know me well, may not have known this about me. But I am one tough hombre.

Actually, there are two things wrong here: first, there was no pain. Second, it isn't all that manly to go through an experience that isn't painful. So I guess there isn't much of a story here, other than we are offered more medication than we probably need. I hope that Skye has a similar experience in December.

Finally, for those of you who are concerned about my streak of "no cavities on my adult teeth," do not fret: my filling was to replace a sealant that had come loose---there was no cavity involved.


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Tsjaz said...

Skype is having a baby NOW THIS I GOTTA SEE

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Dirk Awesome said...

"Wow, sarcasm! That's original! ..."

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What is the goal of "solidarity"? Would it make Skye happy to think that you are experiencing pain?

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Dirk Awesome said...

Aaron---Surprisingly, the answer to your second question is somehow "yes."


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