Monday, October 09, 2006

I absolutely love Spades. This is a little bit of a problem because I am thinking about it when I should be thinking about other things. Let's enumerate:

1. I need to tell a story for the data from our study on textbook use.
2. I need to write two talks for the end of the week. I am giving a semi-general talk on a research paper, and I need to figure out how explain it to a semi-general audience. This will take some time. I will also need to write a talk on Inquiry Based Learning, but I think that I could pretty much wing this.
3. I need to grade some multiple choice tests.
4. I have my first indoor soccer game tonight in my local league. I probably have a game in my suburban league, too, but I think that I have basically quit there.
5. I am watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip with friends. I love Sorkin.

"Will this do a thing to change her? Am I leaving Dawn in danger? Is my Slayer too far gone to care?"
"What if Buffy can't defeat it?"
"Beady-eyes is right, we're needed!"


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