Saturday, October 07, 2006

I'm beginning to see how professors get so arrogant. A handful of students questioned some things that I have done in the classroom - things that I chose to do because years of research has supported those actions. Basically, I am having the students explain their reasoning in writing on the homework (I give them fewer homework problems because of this, so the time it takes to do the homework should be roughly the same). Some students have come back with, "This is a math class, not an English class." I could see how if enough 18 year olds started telling me t what math is supposed to be, then I might eventually come back with something like: "Yeah? Which one of us holds the Ph.D. in mathematics?" That wouldn't be productive, though. Also, I am not that arrogant (yet).

Also, a student was needlessly inflexible with me yesterday. That frustrated me. Then I just countered with a reasonable compromise, and he accepted.

The Twins lost. There, I said it.

That's enough negative stuff. On the whole, my students are fantastic. We had a problem solving day in class yesterday, and a couple of students have emailed me about a problem that we didn't finish. They are very inquisitive, and I am enjoying that.

Skye and I am going to eat, and then we will probably watch some Scrubs. There was a minor push to get a Spades game together, but my friend didn't get the email. I have really been wanting to play Spades lately; I will soon.

Food now.


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