I had my first "Six Feet Under" dream last night. That is, I had my first dream where a dead person reappeared, and it was realistic enough that I (at least, my dream self) was confused as to whether it was real. I dreamed that my recently deceased grandmother was visiting us at my parents' house. It was interesting because it was so mundane, it confused me. It was my mom, dad, aunt, grandma, and I sitting around the living room talking. This was nothing otherwise interesting about it.
At some point, I began questioning if this was real or if it was a dream. I started to look for clues that it might be a dream. I looked outside, and noticed a great deal of detail that I don't normally notice. I noticed cars parked in the driveway. They were coated with salt, as cars often are in Minnesota winters. I can still see how the salt streaks ran down the car.
Finally, I noticed something. The houses across the street were different from how they are in real life. For instance, the house where our friends A, N, and P grew up was red and three stories. This clinched it - it was a dream.
Also, this again confirmed that I do dream in color.
Friday, March 02, 2007
I must keep a journal; I must boast of victory.
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ZOMG I totally know who A, N, and P are!! Do you still talk to any of them? I saw A at Holiday (Gas) during college.
That's funny, because last night, before reading your post, I dreamed I was at a library and Grandma was acting as a docent, giving a talk about something. I don't remember what, but she was highly competent and with-it.
Bad Z: I haven't talked to A, N, and/or P for probably 5-6 years. I think I talked to A while he was in his truck on W Avenue. It was a short, small-talky conversation, but it was nice to talk to him.
Tsjaz: Grandma gets around, huh?
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