Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend in Review

I had an exciting weekend full of Skye's birthday, getting engaged to Skye, and lots of phone calls. You can read more about this on Skye's weblog.

On to more mundane things:

People should remind me how great it is to run if I get lazy. I run 6 miles this morning, and I can feel my leg muscles growing back stronger. It is quite nice. I think that I am going to try to run the Bay State Marathon in October - this will be incentive to keep me running.

I finished reading Deep Economy by Bill McKibben. He writes a lot about community and local economies, and it is a very interesting read. I think that he makes a lot of sense, and I am going to do my best to shop at local stores whenever possible (goodbye Whole Foods, hello Harvest Co-op...and my CSA).

Morneau had another walk-off home run. Go him.


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