Thursday, April 30, 2009

I was never crazy about Dana Gould's comedy. I didn't particularly dislike it, but his dysfunctional family humor never really resonated with me (I did, however, really enjoy his cyclops impression).

Gould has been a guest on Bill Maher's show recently, and he has really impressed me there. He seems well-read, thoughtful, and funny. Here are two quotes from last week's show that I really liked:

On torture: "There are arguments that it makes us a safer country. There are no arguments that say it makes us a better country."

"The real NRA nut says, 'If the government can take our guns, then after that they can come and take our freedoms.' But what happened with the Patriot Act is the government said, 'No no no -keep the guns: just give us the freedoms.' And they said, 'We get to keep the guns!' If you just wrap the request in a flag, they'll line up to surrender the freedoms. They just really want the guns so they can protect the guns."


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