Friday, July 24, 2009

Skye and I are going on vacation tomorrow, so my infrequent posts will become more so.

We recently saw three movies on DVD.

  1. Nick and Norah's infinite Playlist. We both liked this. It was ultimately probably forgettable, but it was definitely enjoyable while I was watching it.
  2. Beverly Hills Cop. So-so. I remember liking it for Foley's shenanigans, but there really aren't that many in the film. The rest of the movie is mediocre.
  3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button HA-ATED this one. Awful. Terrible. And long. I was wishing that it would be over when we were less than 40 minutes in; this is unfortunate because the movie was two hours and 40 minutes long. First, it was boring. The movie starts with three different stories: two from the past, and one in the present. All three were boring.

    Next, the movie is about a guy who ages backwards, YET THE PLOT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM AGING BACKWARDS. Seriously. With only very minor changes to the script, this could have been a boring movie about a guy who ages forwards. They decided to take a potentially interesting idea and do nothing with it.

    Third, I generally like it when movies/TV shows/etc. use different story arcs to support each other. In this movie, there was a side story about a clockmaker who made a clock that ran backwards. This seems like a nice idea to reinforce Button's situation, right? Wrong. They simply had a character describe the clockmaker for maybe 5 minutes, but it did not interact with any of the other stories at all. Button didn't seem to know about it, and it didn't affect him. Don't just make up supporting story arcs for the heck of it - INTEGRATE, MAN!

    Finally, it was looooooooooooooong and boring. Also, boring.

Happy early birthday to my bro and my cuz! Happy end of July to the rest of you.


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