Friday, April 16, 2010

Skye and I are going on a television strike. This is largely because of Blueberry. We do not want him to get used to staring at the television—there is evidence that it might wire his brain differently by being exposed too much to it.

Since this (was) our favorite pastime, it might seem like it would difficult. So far, though, it has not been. We will still watch Lost once a week (for the next five weeks, anyway), but that has been it.

Do you know what? It has been really nice. We do more crosswords together now, and I have started reading for pleasure again (currently Game Change. I recommend it.

That being said, I am sure that I will have an urge to re-watch The Wire or Buffy this summer, but it is nice to do for stretches of times.


At 5:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is interesting - what is the evidence that looking at the TV rewires brains? How much is "too much"?


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