Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I really can't begin to describe how much I enjoy Bill Simmons's column. He's choosing a favorite soccer team, and he is letting me know how he is thinking about it. It makes me want to do the same thing. Maybe I will, but I suppose I should watch some games first.

I had my last day of class, and we discussed exactly what had been happening for the past two and a half weeks. It was good. I am looking forward to the final tomorrow. I am guessing that my students are looking forward to it so much (although they do seem to get to class early and stay late to work on problems).

I'm off to eat Indian food.

"This is not saying that he's a dishonest man...he's one of the honest...most honest men I have ever read about. Let me tell you one thing - it's just a daily thing. Do you remember how, when it snowed in Ohio? Like it always does? They used to make get down, squat, and and walk like ducks across the sidewalk. They would throw snowballs at us, and when they hit you, you got to go 'ding' and fall over."


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