Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm not in a good mood today. I am, however, looking forward to seeing Wednesday's episode of Lost, tonight's BSG, and tonight's Dollhouse soon. I am particularly excited about BSG.

This is ridiculous. I am perfectly okay with Gregg not accepting the job; in fact, it might avoid an ugly situation: if he had accepted, the governor of New Hampshire may have been tempted to replace him with a Democrat. While I would appreciate this as a Democrat, I would be very appalled as a democrat - that is, a person who likes democracy. It would clearly go against the people's will.

I don't understand why the GOP is emboldened by Gregg stepping down. "Obama looks stupid - he tried to include us in the process, and we declined! See? Obama is actually a jerk." This doesn't make sense to me.


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