Friday, February 06, 2009

Snow Kitty

Unproductive day at work. I taught, played basketball, talked to two students, and then talked to two friends. I can't quite figure out basketball: I have been guarding a former semi-pro basketball player. He dominates everyone, but I feel like I can slow him down a bit (I helped shut him down two days ago when I spent the entire game double-teaming him with another good defender). Now, this guy has been getting a little too physical with me. Basically, I am going to start thinking about calling offensive fouls on him. The catch, though, is that I am not sure if that is fair. I could be that I am fouling him on basically every play, and that he is being nice in not calling them. This may be frustrating him, so he is taking out his frustration on me.

However, I started thinking today that maybe I am not frustrating him because I am playing like a hack; maybe I am frustrating him because I am making it harder to score. Imagine he is Shaquille O'Neal; then, either:

  1. I am playing well and frustrating him, like this.
  2. Or I am playing poorly and frustrating him, like this.

The picture of the day is courtesy of onefourfive over at the MOAB:


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