Monday, June 22, 2009

OMFG! President Barack Obama reads my weblog! Hi, Barry!

Skye had the idea of letting part of our lawn run wild, and I was thinking about about using part of it for bamboo. Here are a list of pros and cons for putting in bamboo:


  1. Bamboo would provide privacy from the road in the back of our house.
  2. Bamboo grows ridiculously fast, and would be fun to watch.
  3. I just really like bamboo.


  1. Not native.
  2. Requires work to keep it from spreading (3 times per year, roughly).
  3. Costs money.

Comments on what I should do are appreciated.


At 5:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The obvious solution to Con #2 is to get a panda. Of course, you'll probably say that they're "not native."

Perhaps you could train Olivia to eat bamboo.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Dirk Awesome said...

I would loooove a panda. Unfortunately, I believe that all pet pandas should house pandas, and we just don't have the room inside.


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