Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Up is down! Down is up! Bill O'Reilly blatantly lies about calling the late Dr. Tiller "Dr. Killer". I would believe that it was not intentional (although, it was an easy slip for him since he used to call him "Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer," so he is still a jerk), but his false outrage over a newspaper pointing this out is unbelievable. I don't believe it. It is unable to be believed.

Also unbelievable: I cannot believe that he is claiming that newspapers are going out of business because they are too liberal. Really, Bill? This is the main problem? The rise of the internet and poor management has less to do with it than the papers being too liberal?

Here is my brilliant idea of the day, foreign relations division: President Obama should make an appearance at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. People loooooooove their soccer, and Obama acknowledging this would go a long way to getting people to like us again.


At 8:55 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

If you think about Bill O'Reilly too much, it makes your blood pressure go up. Medical fact of the day.


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