This was nice, because it gave an easy 20 miles of running (5 miles per day). It also took minimal time; it takes me about 15 minutes to drive, about 35 minutes to run, so I get a 5 mile run for only the cost of 20 minutes. Also, the logistics of clothing were easy—when I drove, I just needed to bring an extra pair of clothing, keep it in my office all day, and bring it to the locker room right before I ran home.
The main draw back was that I would leave my car overnight at work twice per week. I didn't like this, so I came up with a new plan:
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: run to work, and run back. Tuesdays and Thursdays: drive to work, drive back. Alter schedule according to the weather. Now I get 30 miles of running in (40, if I run on either Tuesday or Thursday) and I don't have to leave my car at work overnight.
The catch is: clothing logistics. Here is roughly what I need to do, starting with the assumption that I have already left a pair of jeans, a jacket, and a hat at school.
- Drive in on, say, Tuesday.
- Wear work clothing, except running pants instead of jeans and other shoes instead of work shoes.
- Bring an extra shirt, undershirt, underwear, socks.
- Get to the office, change into jeans and work shoes.
- Work all day.
- Change into running pants and other shoes; leave jeans and work shoes at office.
- Bring shirt, undershirt, underwear, and socks to locker room before leaving for home.
- Get any dirty laundry that is in locker from day before.
- Drive home.
- Wear work clothing, except running pants instead of jeans and other shoes instead of work shoes.
- Run to work on Wednesday.
- Wear running gear, including running pants and running shoes.
- Run to locker room.
- Shower.
- Change into clean shirt, undershirt, underwear, and socks left the previous day.
- Keep running pants and running shoes on.
- Wear hat and jacket that are already at locker.
- Go to office.
- Change into jeans and work shoes.
- Work all day.
- Change into running pants, running shoes, hat and jacket.
- Go to locker room.
- Change out of hat and jacket. Leave them in locker.
- Change into running shirt.
- Leave dirty laundry in locker.
- Run home.
- Wear running gear, including running pants and running shoes.
- Repeat.
How do you carry papers and books and such when you're running?
I don't. I do my best to not take work home with me. If I do, I try to re-arrange my running/driving schedule so that I drive on days when I need to haul stuff.
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