Sunday, June 04, 2006

Nat was visiting all week, and he left this morning. I really liked Nat in graduate school, but didn't get to know him as well as I should have. This is a shame, since I started liking him even more after this visit.

This weekend was full of ups and downs. The downs were pretty down, but the ups were really, really up.

I wasn't thinking about this as I was typing the last paragraph, but another up is this: I think I have probably sold my condo in Madison. I officially got a new realtor on the first, and she had a decent offer on the place by yesterday the third. Considering that the condo had been on the market for 15 months, I think that this is fantastic. This is in part because Carey, my realtor is fantastic. She and her husband, whom I know from graduate school, ripped out some carpeting from my kitchen and put in some nicer linoleum. She did this completely on her own, and I thought that this was totally above and beyond the call of duty. Also, I think that my previous realtor was doing a very good job. I didn't know this until recently, when some of my Madison neighbors started telling me that he treated some of their friends poorly. Why don't people tell me this kind of stuff earlier? I'm the type of guy who would listen to that advice.

I'm really interested in some music videos. I met a guy last week who made a video for "Hold Me Now" by the Polyphonic Spree. They were holding a contest, and he came in second. Unfortunately, I couldn't find his video (it involves animated bears, the creator's name is Jeremy, and it is fantastic), but here is another entry:

I also came across the video for "Feel Good Inc." by Gorillaz. I absolutely love it, because there is so much stuff going on. Check it out:

If you like it, check out the sequel: El Mañana.

I wanted to learn more about it, so I did some internet searching. I found that Wikipedia has an entry for the videos. There is apparently a debate about whether Noodle (the guitarist, as seen on the floating islands in the video) is dead. There is evidence that she is, but I would like to remind people that if Michael Bolton did a video where he got bombed, people would assume that he was dead in real life. Likewise, just because a band - an animated band, granted - does a video, it doesn't mean that it is based on what really happened to the band.

"Windmill,Windmill for the land, turn forever hand in hand."


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