Monday, April 09, 2007

Jesus Camp

Skye and I watched Jesus Camp yesterday to celebrate Easter, and it freaked me out. I would go so far as to call it "brainwashing" (which is okay, because the director of the camp said herself in the movie that I could call it that). If I were to start a cult, I would do exactly what they would do at that camp. Specifically, I would belittle them and do my best to lower their self-esteem ("you are a sinner if you read Harry Potter").

I am not entirely anti-Christian. Evidence pointing toward this fact is that I consider myself to be Lutheran. However, these people are a different breed of Christian entirely.

These types of camps make me think that people like me (you should read this as "reasonable") should start camps to start "indoctrinating" kids to, you know, believe in science and stuff. Of course, that would make me no better than them, since I think that we should lay off the kids (I'm talking to you, McDonald's!). Also, the only kids that would come to a "let's believe in science" camp would be kids that already believed in science.

I'm freaked out. Maybe there is a culture war going on. It's all so very ridiculous.


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