Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Back Home

I returned home from a trip to 'Sota yesterday. Here are a handful of things on my mind:

This is awful. There is zero accountability in this government; I hope Congress provides some. You just cannot obstruct justice and get away with it. Sure, he still has to pay a hefty fine, but I am guessing that he can afford it (or else Cheney will pay it for him).

Speaking of which, aren't fines too regressive? Should we have a system where you pay a percentage of your wealth? Wouldn't Steve Forbes be behind that?

I am thrilled that the Wolves got Brewer and Richard. Brewer is going to be a solid player, and will be a great character guy. When he interviewed with ESPN, he had an ear-to-ear grin. Richard is enough of a bruiser that he has a chance of making the roster.

I saw a great 12 inning Twins game in Minnesota. It is thrilling to be in the crowd in a great game.

Gotta go.


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