Friday, September 14, 2007

USA! USA! If I have figured this correctly, the U.S. just needs a tie to advance.

I had a good, long, productive night of work last night. A couple more of those and I should be caught up. However, I have two days of training that I am running this weekend, and so I might not have quite enough biodiesel in the tank to do this too many times next week.

Tsjaz has experienced a recent proliferation of spiders in his life; I have experienced a recent proliferation of flies in my life. There must be some sort of sybiotic relationship that we can strike up.

As was pointed out to me by many a pundit, removing 30,000 troops from Iraq merely brings the total down to pre-surge levels. Ted Koppel compared this to a business who raises prices, and then announces a sale. Americans love a "bargain."


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