Thursday, December 10, 2009

The semester is winding down. There is not much left to do but grade. In fact, I have my last non-exam class in 30 minutes, but even that will be evaluations and review of the semester. Skye and I decided that this is a pretty relaxing time in a professor's life (a student likely has a different opinion).

I am hoping to spent a lot of time on research in the next week, although I think this might be difficult. I have reached a milestone in my research, and it is sometimes difficult to start new phases. My computer program is doing almost exactly what I want it to do, but I now need to use it to determine the pattern that is (hopefully) occurring. Since I have a sense of accomplishment from creating the computer program, I fear that I might dwell on that rather than starting to look for a pattern.


At 7:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I totally hear you on the difficulty of starting new phases. I'm giving up on scholarship for the rest of the year, I think, and will take it back up in January.


At 12:53 AM, Blogger Dirk Awesome said...

I think that this is a reasonable choice. It is smart to know when to give yourself a breakā€”I am not always good at recognizing this.


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