Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm thinking that I might go back to "run 5 miles every other day, and leave the car overnight." It is a bit of a pain to go through all of this.

We had a busy day of wills, volunteering, and going to a "holistic birth mother" meeting. The meeting was okay, but I was mostly annoyed. It seems like some people were really down on the local hospital for their birthing practices, and they were taking it out on the hospital representative.

Now, I am not crazy about the hospital birthing practices. This is why Skye and I are planning a home birth. However, it seems to me like some of the people at the meeting had an over-inflated sense of entitlement. They had many options: they could have done a home birth, they could have gone to a birthing center in the region, or they could have gone to the hospital. None of these options are perfect. I think that these people really wanted to go to a birthing center; the drawback is that the nearest one is an hour away.

Fine. I do not blame you for not wanting to drive an hour. And you probably had reasons for not doing a home birth. Fine. The hospital may have been your favorite option. But do not get mad at the hospital representative for not being the perfect choice. You are choosing to live outside of a major metropolitan area, and it is unreasonable to assume that you deserve to have every amenity that you want. Go ahead and request this from the hospital, but do not be mad when they do not provide before a lot of people do.

I actually have more sympathy for the person than I am letting on; I do think that there may be a little bit of bait-and-switch going on at the hospital. They claim to be very "holistic birth" friendly, but I do not think they are. However, I do feel like they were mostly upfront about the situation. They told us that there are very few restrictions on practices like water births, but they also told us that the doctor will have a lot of say in what actually happens. AND they told us that we will have whatever doctor is on-call, not necessarily the doctor we signed up for. The message could have been clearer, but there were definitely clues.


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