Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Wire

Monday was a day off, and I watched 7 hours of The Wire. I like that show. However, the marathon messed with my mind. After I finished, my inner dialogue was much more profane than usual. Then I walked to school, and I kept looking around me for the drug dealers. It temporarily changed the way I think, which I suppose indicates that it is a very well-made show.

I am also reading Alfie Kohn's Punished by Rewards. I think that I really like Alfie Kohn, even though I am not done with the book. I really enjoyed his scholarly articles that I read in graduate school.

I went to New York City this weekend to see a play. Then the stagehands went on strike. Consequently, I did not see the play, but rather watched other people eat whole crabs instead.

I leave for Oregon tomorrow, where I am giving a colloquium. Before then, I need to fix some things at work.

From The WWB: something profane, but amusing


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