Monday, December 10, 2007

The Wire

I got season 4 of The Wire last week. I have seen 5 episodes, and I am super-excited about the final 8 episodes. It is about schools, elections, and research studies! Also, drugs.

It is icy in Boston today, which is how I think of Boston winters. People were walking to school in a penguin-like fashion today. I slipped several times, but never fell.

My students have a midterm tonight, which means a lot of grading. But it should be done after tonight, and then I won't have any more midterms for a month!

I played basketball yesterday. I won two games of 2-on-2, and three games of 1-on-1. This does not mean that I am doing well, since I am still slow when I play with other people. However, I am regaining some of my skillz.

This story is ridiculous. I don't believe that everyone should get to work any job that they choose. For instance, I don't think that I should be able to build airplanes right now, because I don't have the first idea how to do that. I don't think that I should be allowed to perform open heart surgery. And I don't think that creationists should have a right to work as evolutionary biologists (how is that even possible?). I suppose that I would similarly say that atheists do not have the right to be priests.

Here is the most ridiculous line of the article: "he had been required to accept Darwin's theory of evolution as scientific fact or lose his job." There is no loss to accept evolution as "scientific fact." It IS scientific fact. No one should be able to argue with this, because a "scientific fact" is that which has near-consensus in the scientific community. This does not mean that evolution is "true" in any sort of metaphysical sense (although the evidence appears to be compelling), but this does not concern science. Science is about making predictions. It another "scientific fact" later demonstrates to be better at predictions, then the older, more inferior "scientific fact" ceases to be a scientific fact.

That's all I have. I need to sort through applications now.


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