Summer Vacation
School is now done, and I am on summer vacation. This means that I am done with my present job (although I have summer school left, summer school is qualitatively different from what I do during the school year). This is, of course, sad, but I am happy to be moving on to my new job.I have been largely wasting my time this week. I have spent a lot of time reading, particularly stuff on constructivist education. Basically, a lot of Kamii and Kohn.
I also played basketball yesterday. I played okay, moved to a different gym, and then played spectacularly. I think that I went 5/7 on three-pointers, and they were the types of shots that ripped through the net without even coming close to the rim. It was great. Then I sprained my ankle pretty badly. The interesting thing is, I am happy with the trade. Playing well for 30 minutes was worth the ankle sprain. Now, the sprain isn't that bad, and I will be all better in a week (hopefully). Still, I find this interesting.
Reading and basketball isn't really time-wasting, but Griddlers is. I refuse to link to this because of the addictive nature of the puzzle. I stayed up waaaaaay too late several nights doing this, and I blame Bad Z. I ended up changing my password to a bunch of random keystrokes so that I cannot easily access the site.
Skye and I have been watching a lot of Buffy. It is still a fantastic show. In fact, it is better this time around.
I need to change my password too.
As soon as I finish the 80-part Harry Potter griddler.
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