Lots of videos today.My grading is coming to a close. I have a take-home midterm that I collected today, and I am collecting journals tomorrow; I'll probably just give them credit for completion to make everyone's life easier.
Olivia "Cat" Awesome is starting to adjust to the new house. She has (re-?)learned to play, and is now eating a healthy amount. Also, grading in a basement late at night is much, much more enjoyable when a cat periodically comes to purr and lie on you.
Tsjaz points out a ridiculous travel by a Duke player. It is so bad that I think some editing may have been done to the video.
Harvard University is hitting tough times. Let's all pass around a hat. (courtesy of Sympleko).
A semi-interesting story about a good Samartian who got hit by a truck after pushing three people out of its path, only to get a jaywalking ticket. It seems that the good Samaritan helped cause the accident by jaywalking. This story is really just an excuse to show this video (originally from Mano Singham's Web Journal, which I think Bad Z would really like).
I subscribed.
I just recently bookmarked him, too. He has written about teaching at the college level, too, and I wish that he would do more of this. I am interested in his atheism thought, too, though.
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