Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tamra, Kirk, and Elise got into town today. We had fun eating Indian food, strolling around campus, and having a nice dinner at home with Skye and Angela.

Skye and I watched Magnolia last night. I had seen it two or three times before, and I liked it better the other times. That being said, I was able to consciously put together the meaning of the movie better this time.

It is still a good movie, but just less good than I remembered.

Today, all of the baseball games turned out the way I wanted them to. I wanted the Yankees to win, but only because they were playing the Tigers. While I want the Red Sox to make the playoffs, it isn't going to happen. On the other hand, the Twins have a good chance of making the playoffs, and their chances will be better if the Tigers start losing.

I had something else to write about, but I am tired. Later.

"She said 'I'll throw myself away.' They're just photos, after all."


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