Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lots of stuff.

First, I saw Borat yesterday. It was okay, and was certainly funny at parts. However, my expectations were built up too high. There was too much scripted material/plot for my liking.

I am aware that I am in the minority here. However, I think that it was okay, but not great.

So I splurged and bought subscriptions to Whad'ya Know?, Says You, and Car Talk. So here is my PodCast lineup:

Ira Glass - This American Life

Peter Sagal - Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me

Michael Feldman - Whad'ya Know?

Richard Sher - Says You

Tom and Ray - Car Talk

Bill Maher - Real Time

John McLaughlin - The McLaughlin Group
Tim Russert - Meet the Press

Also, if there is time left over at the end of the week, I'll check out Jim Fleming's To The Best of Our Knowledge.

Finally, you could make the argument that The West Wing is the greatest show ever, and I don't think that I would argue. It's really good.


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