Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So far, so good. Deval Patrick won the governorship here in the Commonwealth. I'm listening to his acceptance speech right now. I'm thinking that he should run for president in 2008 or 2012. He's saying all of the right things, including that he will make mistakes AND learn from them.

I was going to keep a running weblog today for the election, but I'm going to bed instead.

So far, so good: the Democrats are up 154 to 134 currently in the House, up 48 to 47 in the Senate (although they need to get 51 seats to get control), and up 23 to 16 for the governors.

I'm feeling good right now - really good. I'm going to bed, though, and I have no idea if I will feel this good when I read the final results tomorrow morning.

Good night. This has been good.


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