Monday, December 18, 2006

I've been neglecting to write frequently, and I am sorry about that. However, I am hoping to build it into my schedule for next semester. In fact, my schedule as a whole is looking pretty good. Here are some of my major ideas:

  • I will teach on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I am going to try to load all of my administrative duties, office hours, etc. onto these days, and hopefully schedule most of them on Mondays and Wednesdays. This will leave me Tuesdays and Thursdays to get a lot of research done.
  • I will continue to come in early on MWF, but I will use the mornings for running instead of research (which I really wasn't able to do successfully these mornings this semester).
  • I will also try to update the weblog before class on MWF.
  • I might give myself a "web embago" at work (thanks to Emilie for this idea). I'm not sure about this one, but I might.

Today is the last day of class, and that is sad. I am really liking both of my classes.

Snoop sent this to me; I like it:

I think that I wanted to write about a couple of other things, but they can wait. I go on vacation tomorrow, so I can get my thoughts organized then. I am hoping to write more over break, but one never knows.


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