Friday, August 01, 2008


I had a nice run today. It was the first time in a long time that I decided to run fast. Since I am out of shape, my speed was very up-and-down for the last half of the 8? mile run. I decided against listening to To the Best of Our Knowledge and listened to music instead. I was going to include my playlist, but my Shuffle re-shuffled the songs. It wasn't a great playlist anyway. I didn't include any Kaizer's Orchestra, which is my band of the moment.

On Stephanopoulos's show last weekend, McCain said that he was pretty sure that the oil companies would pass on any savings from a gas tax holiday to the customers. There is no need to do anything to ensure it - they'll just do it.

I'm deviating a bit from my usual research. I usually work in finite group theory, and I am still working on two problems in the field. However, I am also starting to work on a problem in combinatorics. This is good for three reasons:

  1. I like combinatorics.
  2. I am working with a good co-author.
  3. A couple of my colleagues work in the field. These are the colleagues I would most likely work with anyway.

Also on my mind has been electric cars. I would like to consider getting a neighborhood electric car. I have my eye on the GEM, which can be found on eBay for $3000-$5000. The key is to get one with doors and a heater.

I have really high hopes for Zenn Motor Company's semi-recent agreement with EEStor, a company that has plans to make a good ultracapacitor. If they get the cityZenn going, I might be one of the first customers.

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